Podcasting About Dogs

Want to make a small fortune and build community too? Start a podcast about dogs.

Robert Cabral, one of LA’s premier dog trainers, is an example of that way of thinking. With more than 200,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel alone — he’s very successful in what he does.

Cabral is a canine behavior specialist. His work has helped dogs and their owners, all over the world. Because of his understanding and compassion for dogs, he is considered one of the top dog trainers on the West Coast.

His podcast goes into detail about training, and he often has special guests on his show.

I saw Cabral and his wife Janet at an AKC Hunt Test in Chino Hills, California recently. I happened to mention how great it would be if someone promoted these events. He agreed, and before I knew I had a date to be his guest to talk about AKC events for working dogs.

Cabral’s podcast is called Canine Conversations. Cabral records his podcast for listeners, and he simultaneously films the conversation for YouTube. Those that follow him get a complete look and listen into the conversation that happens each week on Canine Conversations.

Robert Cabral of Canine Conversations.

I am not the world’s foremost authority on working dogs. Not even close.Cabral knew it, too. I know enough to talk about certain breed standards, and what it takes to judge AKC Hunt Tests at the Junior and Senior level, but that’s about the limit of it.

Still, AKC Hunt Tests needed some love. They needed some positive spin that the right podcast could offer, I figured. I could do that, even if I fell flat on my face trying! But Cabral wasn’t about to let that happen and steered me through the process, which to the novice can be intimidating.

I’m not a podcast personality so it was going to be difficult to carry on a conversation to his large audience of listeners. I had no idea what he was going to ask me. I could only guess at the questions. But Cabral is a celebrated dog trainer, and I thought, what the hell… go for it. What could go wrong?

Well, nothing went wrong. I admit, I stumbled over a few questions and completely lost my train of thought. But those things happen. Cabral opened the talk with a look at where the Labrador Retriever breed originated, and we went from there into working dog events. Like two old friends over a beer.

His studio in LA was spacious, a well appointed room with the latest in audio and video equipment. Did I talk about Retrievers and AKC Hunt Tests? You bet. Cabral and I talked for an hour. Some listeners/viewers may have tuned out early, not interested in Retrievers, and certainly not into hunting. But we worked through it, and what transformed from the conversation was special to me. I’ve never talked about AKC Hunt Tests to that large of an audience. I feel privileged to be given the opportunity.

I’ve heard other podcasts that featured AKC Hunt Test judges as guest speakers. I liked what these people had to say. If I judged my own performance on a scale of 1-10 I think I scored about 7.

It was simple conversation about Retrievers and not much earth shattering. But listeners, or those watching his YouTube Channel hopefully got a brief glimpse of working dogs and what it takes to compete in the sport that AKC has to offer, and that was my goal. If I encouraged someone to enter an AKC Hunt Test with their Retriever down the road… all is good.

But judge for yourself by following the link below.
